About the Libre Graphics Meeting

The Libre Graphics Meeting exists to unite and accelerate the efforts behind Free, Libre and Open Source creative software. Since 2006, this annual meeting is the premiere conference for developers, users and supporters of projects such as GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Krita, Scribus, Hugin, the Open Clipart Library, and the Open Font Library gather to work on interoperability, shared standards, and new ideas. Work at prior LGMs has pushed the state of the art in important areas such as color management, cross-application sharing of assets, and common formats.

Face-to-face meetings and opportunities for collaboration are important to users and developers alike; in the form of tutorials, talks, workshops, and birds-of-a-feather (BOF) the event offers many formal and informal opportunities to interact.

Photo: © Alexandre Prokoudine, 2009 (cc-by-sa)

Highlights LGM 2009

The last Libre Graphics Meeting took place in Montreal, Canada. It involved 150+ participants from around the world working together for four days to give presentations, demos, and meet informally. Through support from the École Polytechnique Montréal, the LGM user community (raising money on pledgie.com), Sourceforge, River Valley Technologies, Intel Communities, OpenCandy, QT, sK1, GIMP, Python Software Foundation, Gnome foundation and Group Eyrolles, the conference funded travel for many international developers whom otherwise would not be able to work face to face.

Highlights included contributions by companies building on Open Source such as AscenderCorp and Open Source Publishing, and presentations of PiTiVi Video Editor by Jean-François Fortin Tam, Fontmatrix, Phatch and Michael Terry’s work on ingimp user-experience analysis and kinetic templates. All major projects in attendance, Scribus, Gimp, Inkscape, and Open Font Library, spent time planning activities for the next year. New projects like the GPU based panorama stitcher nona-gpu, Lighttwist, a system for running multi-projector immersive video displays, and Markus Weiland's FacetZoom widget, set the stage for new exciting software developments leading into LGM 2010 in Brussels.

You can find traces of LGM 2009 on our microblogging sites: identi.ca/lgm and twitter.comtwitter.com/libregfxmtg . Pictures taken at LGM may be found in the Libre Graphics Meeting group on Flickr.

This year's edition has been preceded by LGM 2006 in Lyon, France, LGM 2007 in Montreal, Canada and LGM 2008 in Wroclaw, Poland and LGM 2009 in Montreal.

Last edited on 03/13/2010 17:17:01